Friday, August 31, 2012

Cancer Drug Shows Potential to Prevent Learning Disabilities ...

By Janice Wood Associate News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on August 30, 2012

Cancer Drug Shows Potential to Prevent Learning DisabilitiesA new mouse study shows that a drug originally developed to stop cancerous tumors may hold the potential to prevent abnormal brain cell growth and learning disabilities in some children ? if they can be diagnosed early enough.

According to researchers at the University of Michigan, the study sets the stage for more research on how the anti-tumor medication could be used to protect the brains of young children with the genetic disease neurofibromatosis 1, as well as other diseases that affect the same cellular signaling pathway.

Neurofibromatosis 1, or NF1, affects one in every 3,000 children, causing benign tumors to grow throughout the body, large head size, and other issues. Many children with NF1 also struggle with learning to read, write, do math, and behave well, according to researchers.

The impact on brain function is considered the most common ? and most serious ? issue caused by NF1, and often appears before other symptoms, except for brown patches on the skin that are often mistaken for birthmarks.

But while the tumors that erupt mostly later in life have been well-studied, NF1?s effect on brain function isn?t understood, the researchers note.

In the new study, the team studied neural stem cells ? a kind of master cell that can become any type of neural tissue. In newborn mice with two copies of the genetic mutation that causes NF1, neural stem cells in a key area of the brain were far more likely to produce a kind of ?helper? nerve cell called glia. They produced far fewer?neurons, which send and receive crucial signals in the brain and body.

The scientists then took aim at the abnormal cell growth by giving the mice an experimental drug that has already been used in clinical trials for advanced cancer. Called PD0325901, the drug, known as a MEK inhibitor, blocks a specific action within cells called the MEK/ERK pathway.

Mice with the NF1 mutation that got the drug from birth developed normally, in contrast to mice with the same genetic mutations that didn?t receive the drug. The untreated mice appeared normal at birth, but within a few days had become hunched and scruffy, with abnormal growth of their bodies and brain cells.

The new paper?s senior author, Yuan Zhu, Ph.D., cautioned that the drug used in the study may not be appropriate to give to children who have been diagnosed with NF1. But other MEK inhibitors are being developed against cancer.

?The important thing is that we have shown that by treating during this brief window of time early in life, when neural stem cells in a developing brain still have time to ?decide? what kind of cell to become, we can cause a lasting effect on neural development,? said Zhu, an associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan?s Medical School.

For a drug-based intervention to work, it would have to be given soon after developmental delays or benign tumors are noted in an infant or toddler, and after a NF1 diagnosis is made, Zhu noted.

About half of all people with NF1 inherited the mutated gene from a parent, while the other half develop it spontaneously in the womb. The disease affects individual patients very differently, he said, noting that one child born to a parent with mild NF1 can have a severe form of the disease, while their siblings can have mild or moderate symptoms.

Some people with NF1 have a ?double hit? form of the disease, where both copies of the gene are mutated in certain body cells. The second mutation, according to the scientists, likely occurs in a neural stem cell that goes on to produce unusual neural cells. These patients often have severe learning disabilities, and an enlarged corpus callosum ? a structure that connects the two halves of the brain and contains a large concentration of glia, the same cells that the mice in the new study had larger numbers of.

In addition to NF1, the researchers predict that their findings may have importance for patients with other genetic conditions that affect the same cell-signaling pathway called RAS. Collectively called neuro-cardio-facial-cutaneous (NCFC) syndromes or ?RASopathies,? they include Leopard syndrome, Noonan syndrome, Costello syndrome and Leguis syndrome. Like NFI, all these conditions affect the brains, circulation system and the face or head.

The study?s findings were reported in the journal Cell.

Source: University of Michigan


APA Reference
Wood, J. (2012). Cancer Drug Shows Potential to Prevent Learning Disabilities. Psych Central. Retrieved on August 31, 2012, from



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Thursday, August 30, 2012

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Budgeting for the Year Ahead at University | Finance Fox

We?re in the period of time where both new and returning students are getting itchy feet, waiting around the house until the day that they can move to University and see all of their friends, flat mates and collect their timetables for the year. For the new students, it?s also a time of compiling a mountain of ?essentials? to get them through the year which of course, includes numerous pieces of technology to help them keep in touch, get their work done, and relax.

But all of the latest technology comes with a hefty price tag ? and we all know how it?s just unthinkable to have something even a matter of months out of date! Technology is always evolving, as are the trends, and it?s just as hard to work out which smartphone or tablet computer to have as it is to establish what shoes are in fashion and which tops would be seen in Milan and New York as well as your student union in Lincoln!

It?s inevitable in the first few weeks at a new place, in a new house with new people, that you?ll want to make an impression. Whether it?s with your sense of humour, your fashion, or your gadgets, but it?s also important that you learn how to budget for the year ahead. After all, the student loan only goes so far and if you spend too much time in the electrical store or on-campus bar, you?ll soon find yourself begging the bank of mum and dad for a loan, which is never nice and comes with the obvious repercussions once you get home for the weekend or holiday!

The first tip for budgeting for Uni is to ensure that you get only what you know you?ll NEED for the months ahead. You?re obviously going to require a laptop and a colour laser printer ideally to print out your essays and projects ? presentation is as important as the content itself. The key here is to look at what suits your requirements best. It?s alright going out and buying a laptop or printer that has every feature ever created, but if you?re unlikely to use them, you?re paying too much. Look for features that you know you?ll use and set yourself a budget. If you can get a laptop for ?600 that has all the features of the latest, all-singing all-dancing version that is priced at more than ?1,000, then the cheaper one is your option.

You?ll also need the home comforts, bedding and pillowcases for example. This doesn?t come cheap when you have to buy the full set ? and you?ll want more than one! Searching the house for spare or unused sets is a great way of making a saving here. If like many families you?ve kept spare bedding for ?emergencies? or ?just in case?, evaluate whether or not you really need to keep them or if you can take them off to Uni with you. Another substantial saving.

A third tip relates to your essential reading list. You?ll find that either before the start of your course or at your introduction lecture during Fresher?s Week that you?ll be given an essential reading list ? all of the books that the tutors think you could benefit from reading either before the start of your course or over the duration. Unfortunately textbooks aren?t cheap either, especially brand new, but many students will have put their no longer required books on online shopping sites that could enable you to pick up a second-hand version at a bargain price. Who doesn?t love a bargain!

If you can make any savings during the year at Uni then you have a number of options at the end of the year if you find that you?ve got some of your money left. Either option a ? you look at paying off some of your overdraft or owings; b ? you put some towards next year?s accommodation and studies; or c ? you reward yourself with one last night out before heading home!


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Pet Grooming means taking care of your pets in ... - Kissed By Dogs

Article by OTC Pet Meds

Pet Grooming means taking care of your pets in hygienic way ? Family ? Pets

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Dog Grooming Methods

Hair Brushing:It is important to maintain hair brushing of your dog for their healthy coat. If your dog has long hair then it requires daily brushing to inhibit tangling as well as matting of hair.

Nail TrimmingNail trims are frequently hated by dogs because nail trimming is very painful for them. But it can be avoided by learning how to trim correctly. Generally dog needs monthly nail trims but it depends on the growth of the hair.

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One of the best dog shampoo used for the pet maintenance from pet owners is Glossy Aloe Shampoo. It is used as a dog hair cleaner. It calms and relieves skin annoyance on puppies as well as dogs. The pet bathing is made quick and easy with the help of this shampoo. The main reason of using best shampoo is that it reduces the chance of several health problems such as scratches, skin problems and also decreases the plague load of outer parasites on the skin. This shampoo is very effective for your loving pethair when you used it as per the guidelines.

Features of Glossy Aloe Shampoo:

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Direction and Precaution of Dog Grooming Shampoo

Directions to use

Wet your dog?s hair.Dry your dog clean.Suitable for all types of dogs.Use warm water.Apply shampoo to form a rich lather.Allow to keep on the hair for 3 to 6 minutes.Wash your dog cautiously with clean and clear water.


This product is for external use only.Keep out of the reach of children.Avoid contact with eyes.Keep this product away from your pets to avoid unwanted consumption.
About the Author

Resource Link: Cheap Pet Meds | Dog Hair Cleaner | Pet Health Care

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

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Male snails babysit for other dads: Family secrets of marine whelk Solenosteira macrospira

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) ? Pity the male of the marine whelk, Solenosteira macrospira. He does all the work of raising the young, from egg-laying to hatching -- even though few of the baby snails are his own.

The surprising new finding by researchers at the University of California, Davis, puts S. macrospira in a small club of reproductive outliers characterized by male-only child care. Throw in extensive promiscuity and sibling cannibalism, and the species has one of the most extreme life histories in the animal kingdom.

The family secrets of the snail, which lives in tidal mudflats off Baja California, are reported online in a study in the journal Ecology Letters.

In the study, UC Davis researchers report that, on average, only one in four of the hundreds of eggs that a male S. macrospira carries around on his back belong to him. Some carry the offspring of as many as 25 other males.

Such extreme cases provide the raw material on which natural selection can work and shed light on more "mainstream" species, said study author Rick Grosberg, a professor of evolution and ecology at UC Davis.

"It opens our eyes to viewing other kinds of behavior not as weird or harmful but as normal," he said.

The snails were first described in an amateur shell-collectors newsletter, The Festivus, in 1973. Grosberg started studying the animals in 1994, when he brought some back from a collecting trip and realized that only male snails had egg capsules on their shells.

When the snails mate, the female glues capsules containing hundreds of eggs each to the male's shell.

The male's shell likely acts as a substitute rock, since the snails' habitat offers few surfaces on which to glue eggs, said co-author Stephanie Kamel, a postdoctoral researcher in Grosberg's lab.

Moving in and out with the tide on dad's (or stepdad's) back also protects the egg capsules from the extremes of heat and drying they might face if left on a stationary rock.

A male's shell may become covered in dozens of capsules, each containing up to 250 eggs. As the eggs hatch, a process that takes about a month, some of the baby snails devour the rest of their littermates. Typically only a handful of hatchlings survives the fratricide to emerge from a capsule and crawl away.

Kamel carried out DNA analysis of brood capsules to determine the eggs' parentage. On average, she found that the male snails had sired just 24 percent of the offspring on their backs. Many had sired far less.

"The promiscuity in the female snails is extraordinary," Kamel said, noting that some females mate with as many as a dozen different males.

Why do they do it? Typically in the animal kingdom, females invest more resources in an egg than a male does in a sperm, so mothers have a stronger interest in providing parental care. Males may mate with multiple partners to increase their chances of siring offspring, but typically make less investment in caring for those young. When dads do get involved, it's nearly always because they are assured that all or most of the offspring are their own. Male sea horses, for example, carry developing young in a pouch -- but all are their own genetic offspring.

One explanation could be that caring for the kids just doesn't cost the male snails much. But by tethering individual snails to a post sunk in the sand, Grosberg was able to follow them over time and show that the capsules do impose a significant burden, reflected in weight loss.

It may be that carrying the egg capsules simply represents the best of limited options for the males, Grosberg said, since it's impossible for them to mate without the female attaching an egg capsule to their backs.

Or carrying egg capsules may be a way for a male to show a female that he's good parent material.

"If he wants to get any action, he has to pay the price," Grosberg said.

Grosberg is fascinated by the conflicts that occur between parents, between siblings, and between parents and offspring as they each try to get resources and maximize their success in breeding. You can see these conflicts and rivalries all the way from simple animals to humans, he notes.

"Everything that intrigues me about family life happens in these snails," he said.

At the same time, no animal has gone as far as humans in evolving increasing cooperation between relatives, tribes and larger and larger (and less closely related) groups over time.

"We're good at seeing other forms of reward," Grosberg said.

The work was funded by the National Science Foundation.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Davis.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Stephanie J. Kamel, Richard K. Grosberg. Exclusive male care despite extreme female promiscuity and low paternity in a marine snail. Ecology Letters, 2012; DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01841.x

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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UPDATE 2-Soccer-Mixed news for Spurs over Kaboul and Defoe

* Kaboul out for four months

* Defoe signs new contract

(Adds new Defoe deal)

LONDON, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Tottenham Hotspur received mixed

fortunes on Thursday with centre half Younes Kaboul having a

knee operation that will sideline him for four months while

striker Jermain Defoe signed a new three-year contract.

"Younes Kaboul has undergone knee surgery in France today.

The France defender is expected to be sidelined for four

months," the Premier League club said on their website

( on Thursday.

The 26-year-old was forced out of the European Championship

in June because of a serious knee complaint.

Spurs also said on their website that Defoe, who is 10th in

the club's all-time scoring charts with 119 goals, had signed

his new deal.

The 29-year-old former West Ham United and Portsmouth

striker has 16 goals in 49 international appearances for


(Reporting by Mark Pangallo; editing by Tony Jimenez)


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UN chief hits host Iran over human rights

In this photo released by the official website of the Iranian Presidency Office, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right, shakes hands with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, at the start of their meeting in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Presidency Office, Mohsen Rafinejad)

In this photo released by the official website of the Iranian Presidency Office, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right, shakes hands with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, at the start of their meeting in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Presidency Office, Mohsen Rafinejad)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right, welcomes Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, for their meeting, in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, left, is welcomed by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right, for a meeting, in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, attends a round of talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, unseen, in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, left, is welcomed by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right, for a meeting, in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

(AP) ? The U.N. chief jolted his Iranian hosts for a nonaligned nations meeting Wednesday by pointing out "serious concerns" in Tehran's human rights record and urging cooperation with the world body to improve freedoms.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had signaled he would not shy away from criticism of Iran during his visit to the Nonaligned Movement gathering in Tehran, but the sharp comments appeared to catch Iranian officials off guard just hours after his arrival.

"We have discussed how United Nations can work together with Iran to improve the human rights situation in Iran. We have our serious concerns on the human rights abuses and violations in this country," he told a news conference as he sat next to Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, who frowned at the remarks.

Iran's opposition groups had urged Ban to use his appearance in Tehran as a platform to criticize Iran's ruling system over its crackdowns on political dissent, including the house arrests of opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi.

While in Tehran, Ban also could raise sensitive issues such as demands by U.N. nuclear inspectors for wider access to various sites, including a military base near Tehran suspected of being a proving ground for explosives experiments that could be used to test nuclear triggers. Iran denies it seeks nuclear arms, but Western nations and allies fear Tehran's uranium enrichment labs are moving close to warhead-grade material.

In Vienna, the U.N.'s nuclear agency has created a special Iran Task Force of nuclear weapons experts, intelligence analysts and other specialists focused on probing Tehran's atomic program, according to an internal document shared with The Associated Press.

Iran is seeking to use the weeklong meeting of the 120-nation Nonaligned Movement to promote its position that its nuclear program is peaceful and its uranium enrichment is within the U.N. treaty rules. The meetings are capped by a two-day summit that begins Thursday.

In advance, Ban also said he will discuss the Syria crisis with Iranian leaders, who remain staunch allies of Bashar Assad's regime. The U.N. chief called Iran a major player capable of mediating in regional conflicts, including Syria's civil war.

"Iran has a very important role to play in helping resolve the Syrian issue, reflecting the will of the Syrian people in a peaceful manner. This is one of the important issues that I'm going to discuss with the Iranian leadership," said Ban.

Ban met Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad later Wednesday, state TV reported.

Iran plans to propose the formation of a three-member nonaligned team, plus two neighbors of Syria, to help resolve the crisis there, Iran's state media quoted prominent lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi as saying.

The proposed troika will include Egypt, Iran and Venezuela plus Iraq and Lebanon. Boroujerdi, who met Assad during a visit to Syria last week, said the Syrian president said he would welcome the Iranian plan.

A senior Iranian official gave details of the plan.

"Iran's proposal ... is a cease-fire and the implementation of a three-month mechanism for national reconciliation talks in this country," the official IRNA news agency quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian as saying Wednesday.

Anti-regime fighters have dismissed any role for Iran in such a plan. The rebels and some others say it has little hope of succeeding. Also, the United States has rejected Iranian participation in international meetings on the Syrian crisis.

Associated Press


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pokemon Shadow Rebirth

Pokemon Shadow Rebirth of Cipher

Cipher has been revived after twenty years since their second defeat. With the first heroes dead and the second hero missing, the last hope is turned to the Heroes children.(open and accepting)


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Getting Better at Great Budgeting | Personal finance blogs

The first idea to realize is that you should back up and picture a big picture view of the recent currency problems. If people have lots of unfiltered emotion fueling your motivation without a long-term plan for the future prepared, then as soon as your raw emotion becomes dampened, peoples want to work hard and get funds will also come to an end. This is how people can create a long term plan geared towards earning monies as fast as possible. Consider the next month or two instead of the next 24 hours. Recall what caused your requirement to make money quick, and decide if there is a way we can put off making the payment to give yourself some more time. Additionally, figure out the amount of money you?ll be required to have to make sure that we can?t wind up in the same situation of requiring money as bad as you do here. Now with a plan in place, it?s the time to put our plan in action. To get some money quickly, people have a couple of key choices. First, people should sell some items you have laying around that we don?t usually use on the Internet, or people can try our hand at doing simple services for workers on the Internet. Ignore offers requiring people to fill out surveys ? almost all of these are tricks. The real method to earn some money is to find a message board on the Internet for people that develop websites or work in Internet marketing, then offer your services to help them in a buying and selling services kind of subforum. This method is great because there are always developers who need simple tasks done like checking website stats or writing comments, but just don?t use time to do it for themselves, so these people pay out to people actual money often to to work for them.

About the Author

The author Mike writes about ?>money management software at various blogs.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Video: Video-gaming fish play out the advantages of groups

Friday, August 24, 2012

A video game designed for predatory fish might have unraveled some lingering evolutionary questions about group formation and movement in animals, according to new research that took a unique approach to observing interactions between real and simulated animals.

Princeton University researchers report in the journal Science some of the strongest direct evidence that collective motion in animal groups such as schools of fish can evolve as a finely tuned defense against attack from predators. This dynamic has been suggested by other research, but the many variables that can drive group movement have made it difficult to observe a direct link to self-defense, explained senior researcher Iain Couzin, an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Princeton who studies collective animal behavior.

Couzin and his colleagues developed an evolvable simulation of small prey that allowed the researchers to observe how group formation and movement alone protect against predatory attack. Couzin developed and conducted the study at Princeton with two former postdoctoral researchers from his lab, first author Christos Ioannou, now a research fellow at the University of Bristol, and Vishwesha Guttal, now an assistant professor of ecological sciences at the Indian Institute of Science.

The researchers projected the simulated prey ? which appeared as small reddish dots ? onto one side of a tank containing the famously ravenous bluegill sunfish. The prey interacted spontaneously with one another based on encoded behavior traits, and the researchers documented in the prey the resulting individual behaviors and group formations. In the end, the bluegills were most likely to avoid attacking simulated prey that had formed coordinated and mobile groups.

These results show that group formation itself can dissuade a predator, even if the prey ? as in the simulation ? are completely unaware of the danger, the researchers report. This suggests that the specific configuration of animal groups is an evolved defense in its own right, Couzin explained. The ideal configurations exhibited by the simulated prey mirror those of many animal groups, wherein individuals follow cues from their near-neighbors to coordinate collective movement.

"This sort of hybrid virtual approach has given us a way of tapping into these long-lasting questions that have really evaded standard analysis for decades," Couzin said.

"To conduct this type of study is very intensive in terms of statistics and creating control models of what predators would have done, given the prey that were available to them in that particular situation at that time and compare that to the behavior of the real behavior," Couzin said. "And that's one of the reasons why these studies have been so difficult in the past using classic experimentalmeans."

An important aspect of the simulation is that it let the researchers control the behavior of individual prey, Couzin said. In nature, animals can respond to a predator in different and unpredictable ways ? animals might react as the predator approaches or after the initial attack. In addition, group cohesion depends on the number of animals assembled and environmental factors such as terrain.

For the Princeton study, the researchers encoded each individual prey with various strengths of three traits ? a tendency to be attracted to, swim in the same direction as, or ignore nearby individuals. Thus, individual prey would either swim alone, group together, or follow other prey, or exhibit a combination of traits.

Princeton University researchers designed a "video game" for predatory fish that demonstrated that collective motion in animal groups might have evolved as a finely tuned defense against attack from predators. The researchers projected simulated prey onto one side of a tank containing bluegill sunfish. The bluegills were most likely to attack isolated prey (clip 1) and groups that did not move much (clip 2). Simulated prey that formed coordinated and mobile groups were less prone to attack, showing that group formation itself can dissuade a predator. Courtesy of Science/AAAS

Julia Parrish, a University of Washington professor of aquatic and fishery sciences, said that the level of control Couzin and his colleagues had over prey behavior, and testing the predator's reaction to that behavior, sets their experiment apart from others based on real and simulated animal interactions. Parrish is familiar with the Princeton study, but had no role in it.

"The beauty of this experiment is that the researchers systematically vary the rules that the individual simulated prey play by, which dictates the structure of the resulting group," Parrish said. "They're like the little man behind the curtain moving three dials up and down ? attraction, repulsion and alignment. Then they say, 'Okay, bluegills, give it your best shot. How good are you at attacking prey based on how we set the rules?' "

This approach resulted in a "significant first step" toward a metric that can quantify how individual behaviors influence the safety of the group during a predator attack, Parrish said.

"This experiment makes some very specific predictions about what's a good configuration and what's not a good configuration, and gives some insight into what the rules of aggregation might be," she said.

"We don't know the rules prey use," Parrish said. "We can watch them, we can track them and infer what the rules are, but we don't actually know what they are. What this study did is bypass that messiness and make up the prey then see what a real predator does. That simplification is the innovation."

Once the simulation began the individual prey would swim and form groups spontaneously. Each trial consisted of 16 prey and one bluegill predator. Only the first attack by each bluegill was recorded. A new bluegill was put in the tank after the researchers restarted the simulation and the prey began moving and interacting with each other.

"Effectively, the bluegills were playing an immersive video game in which they hunted," Couzin said.

"By evolving the prey groupings, the game becomes harder and harder for the predators, as when a video game adapts to the strategy employed by the players," he said. "In a similar way, our prey 'evolved' to the mode of hunting that the bluegills exhibited, adapting better strategies that allowed them to evade hunting more effectively."

Naturally, the researchers found that simulated prey that formed groups "survived" better than those that swam alone. But individuals in groups also needed to strike a balance of closeness and coordinated movement to keep the bluegills at bay, the researchers reported.

Large groups that did not move much eventually fell victim to attacks in "high-risk" areas of the projected space in which bluegills preferentially attacked. Yet when groups of prey moved with coordination, they passed through these high-risk areas too quickly for each individual bluegill to make its attack.

Although the project used bluegills, Parrish said, the catalog of formation possibilities the researchers developed leave room to understand how individual behavior and movement influences other predators such as tuna, which target large groups.

"We could systematically go through all the combinations this study presents and see what a predator actually responds to," Parrish said.


Princeton University:

Thanks to Princeton University for this article.

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KS Energy wins contracts for drilling in Java and Mexico

KS Energy said on Friday that it had clinched two contracts for drilling operations.

The first contract, valued at US$87.6 million (S$109.17 million) for a contract period of one year with a one-year option, will see its subsidiary, together with partner Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia, deploying the KS Java Star jack-up drilling rig to Indonesia's West Madura oilfield.

The joint operation, which begins in the fourth quarter of this year, will provide exploration and development drilling and work-over drilling services with one cantilever type jack-up drilling rig capable of operating in water depths of up to 300 ft and drilling to depths of 15,000 ft.

In a separate filing to the SGX, the group said it has, through its subsidiary, KS Drilling Pte Ltd, entered into agreements with PEMEX Exploraci?n Y Producci?n and EPNP, SA de CV, to lease and operate two jack-up rigs.


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Putin Critic Kasparov Acquitted Over Pussy Riot Protest WORLD ...

August 25, 2012

? The Editor World News Tomorrow

World News

WORLD NEWS ? Ex-world chess champion turned Kremlin critic Garry Kasparov was cleared on Friday of taking part in an unauthorized protest against the conviction of the all-female punk band Pussy Riot.

He described the ruling as an ?important victory? which would ?send a signal? to other courts. Kasparov, 49, was detained with several other opposition activists outside a Moscow court where three members of Pussy Riot were sentenced last week to two years in prison over an anti-Putin protest in the Russian capital?s largest church.

He was giving interviews to journalists when riot police pounced on him and hauled him into a van, where he was allegedly beaten. Critics of President Vladimir Putin have frequently been convicted of protest-related charges. Kasparov himself spent five days in jail for his part in an unsanctioned rally in 2007.

Judge Yekaterina Veklich said on Friday there were ?no grounds to believe the testimony of the police.? Under a controversial new law that increases the maximum fines for protest-related offences, a guilty verdict against Kasparov could have landed him with a fine of up to 30,000 rubles ($950). He could still face criminal charges over a polic


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Tough Toddler | Love Home Grow Garden

One of the things that my toddler likes to do these days is wrestling with his little brother. I don?t like it when he do that but the little brother seem to take it easy. I told him not to hit him in the head as that will make his little brother get hurt. But sometimes, those?head gear?will come in handy to protect them both from getting bruises in their head. People these days are sensitive to what your kids look like and if they find out they have bruises they think you are abusing your kid. I don?t want that to happen. Sometimes, boys will be boys too and they exhibit themselves to doing this things without your presence. I have two tough toddler in the house to tame. How about you, do your boys act the same way too?

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Nexus Revamped Live Wallpaper brings a customizable version of the much-loved Nexus One wallpaper [Android]

The Nexus One was a revolutionary device. Not only did it feature an ultra-fast 1GHz processor and a revolutionary 512MB of RAM, it also came with one of the biggest technological achievements of this decade: the Nexus wallpaper. This live wallpaper was the epitome of live wallpapers: it oozed grace and wisdom, all while looking beautiful. However, it doesn't come pre-installed on other Android devices, and it's not highly customizable. Nexus Revamped changes all of this.

This live wallpaper is designed to take the great wallpaper from the Nexus One and not just copy it, but augment it. In the original wallpaper, you don't have any choices about how to customize it. Nexus Revamped lets you change unique things like the speed and spawn density of the dots. It also supports multitouch reactions.

The Pro version is also quite interesting. It's a little odd to think of paying for a live wallpaper, but if you do, you'll probably like what you get. It allows you to change the background image, as well as change particle colors. The coolest part is probably the ability to change color and speed based on battery life. Now, just by glancing at your phone, you can tell exactly how charged it is.

Nexus Revamped is a great little wallpaper for anyone who enoys setting up their device exactly as they want it. Its battery indication controls, available only in the Pro version, are especially interesting, as they allow you to check your battery level without any effort, and it's overall quite nicely designed. It's available for free, with a $0.99 Pro version, on Google Play for any device running Android 2.1 or above.

Price: Free with $0.99 Pro version

Version discovered: v1.99.04

Requires: Android 2.1+

Download size: 926KB

Nexus Revamped Live Wallpaper on Play Store


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Friday, August 24, 2012

Ashton Kutcher is bonding with Mila Kunis' parents by attending a baseball game...

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Stephen Gaghan to Direct CANDY STORE; Brad Pitt and Denzel Washington May Star


Academy Award-winner Stephen Gaghan hasn?t directed a feature film since 2005?s Syriana, but the Traffic scribe is now attached to a rather high profile thriller as his follow-up.? THR reports that Gaghan will next direct Candy Store, a thriller he wrote that?s attracting some major talent.? Brad Pitt and Denzel Washington are apparently in early talks for the two leads in what?s described as ?a crime thriller with meaty roles for the two main characters.?? Further plot details are unknown, but Jamie Foxx was interested in one of the roles as well.

Late last year Gaghan set up an untitled cartel drama at Warner Bros. and an independent adaptation of Patrick Keefe?s novel The Snakehead, but neither of those projects have come to fruition.? He provided a script polish for M. Night Shyamalan?s sci-fi pic After Earth starring Will Smith and Jaden Smith, which opens next year.


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

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10 Essentials for Business PR | RHetoric

by John Raffetto

It?s the peak of summer in the Pacific Northwest. And that means the mountains here are full of people hiking, backpacking, and climbing.

In business PR, you also need a 10 essentials list.For years, well-equipped outdoors types have carried the ?10 essentials,? a list of must-have items coined back in the 1930s by members of the Seattle Mountaineers club. The list includes things such as extra food, extra clothing, a compass (still a better pick than a GPS! Batteries fail, after all?), and so on. Things to keep you safe in the event one becomes lost, injured, or caught in the hills after dark.

Much like hikers, business also need a 10 essentials list to navigate the world of public relations (tweet this quote). As a Seattle and Washington, D.C-based PR and marketing firm, we?ve thought a lot about the list of ?essentials? with which we can equip our clients to better survive the harsh world of business.

Key items to have in your business backpack

  1. Messaging. Can your organization articulate its mission, the unique value it brings, and why customers should choose you over your competition? Surprisingly, many businesses cannot. We ensure our clients have given careful thought to their core messaging and can communicate it.
  2. A basic PR toolkit. If people want to learn about your business quickly, do you have the materials in hand that will achieve this? This could include an active web site, current press releases, background documents, images and videos of your product or service, and more. This is PR 101, and we can make it sparkle.
  3. Media outreach. What publications or web sites are your customers apt to read ? especially if they want to learn about new products or services that could benefit them? Those are the outlets you need your company to appear in.
  4. An understanding of the target customer. Are you focused on your target customer? On the mountain there are often many different routes to consider. But identifying the safest trail that maximizes your experience is like honing in on your target customer. We?re B2B specialists, and have a deep understanding of the marketing and PR techniques that will reach your prospective customers and keep you top-of-mind.
  5. A disaster plan. Hikers sometimes break their leg. And businesses sometimes will find themselves in a PR crisis. If this happens, is your organization prepared to respond? You need a solid emergency plan to help get you through a patch of bad publicity.
  6. Brand awareness. Do potential customers think of you when they?re looking for a service or product that helps them solve a problem, make their people more productive, or reduce costs? We can develop a program so that people know who you are.
  7. A guide to key influencers. Every industry has a certain group of reporters, bloggers, and commentators who are read avidly. We know who those people are, and can call on them to report on your business when you?re making news, such as a big customer win or an important business milestone.
  8. Executive coaching. Most business executives are often called upon to give speeches, speak to news outlets, and more. We help our clients prepare for these events with coaching, message preparation, and briefings on what to expect.
  9. A social media strategy. Whether you like it or not, Facebook, Twitter and the like largely define the media landscape today. You need to engage with these social networks, not ignore them.
  10. Reputation management. These days, anything anyone says or is photographed doing can become part of a digital record that can last?well, perhaps forever. We can help a business avoid pitfalls and keep their reputation shiny.

Read our blog to for other PR and Marketing tips that can help grow your business. To learn more about how we can implement an effective PR and Marketing plan based on your needs, submit a request for information.

Tags: 10 essentials, backpack, business, hikers, plan, pr, public relations


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The City As Engine: Energy, Entropy And The Triumph Of Disorder

Adam Frank stands atop of the Wilder Building in Rochester, N.Y. Enlarge Carlet Cleare /WXXI

Adam Frank stands atop of the Wilder Building in Rochester, N.Y.

Carlet Cleare /WXXI

Adam Frank stands atop of the Wilder Building in Rochester, N.Y.

Cities may be the defining element of human civilization.

The path from hunter-gatherers in the Paleolithic era 25,000 years ago to the high-tech, high-wonder jumble we inhabit today runs straight through cities. In traveling that path, our construction of cities has always been a dance with physics. In some cases, that physics was explicitly understood; in others, its manifestation was only recognized in hindsight.

As our cities have become more complex the physics embodying their behavior and organization has also become more nuanced, subtle and profound.

About a month ago I walked down the streets of my hometown of Rochester, N.Y., to discuss a street-level view of physics and cities. From the street a city is all about the physics of "simple" machines: bikes, buses, streetcars and the plumbing of fire hydrants. Once you get up high enough, however, your physics-colored glasses lets you see cities in a whole new way.


Instead of just basic machines, the city becomes a vast interconnected system designed for turning energy into work. Seen through that lens, cities are really giant heat engines, and that makes them creatures subject to one of the most profound principles in all of physics: the omnipresent Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Before we hit the second law, it would be good to remember the first law, which tells us energy is always conserved.

Climb a flight of stairs and the chemical energy in your morning's oatmeal is turned into your muscles' energy of motion. The oatmeal's chemical energy originated, of course, in sunlight via photons streaming across space. Taken as a whole, energy is neither gained or lost. It is only transformed from one form to another.

In a city you see this every day, all day. Electricity runs through wires and transforms into the movement of a fan or the illumination flowing from a streetlight. The first law is relatively easy to understand, and it makes a kind of innate sense to us.

The second law is something else entirely. It speaks to the consequences of those energy transformations mandated by the first law. There are rules for how energy is transformed ? rules and limits. Most importantly, the second law tells us that anytime energy is used to do useful work ? like lift an I-beam to the top of a new building ? then some of that energy must end up as waste, garbage, pollution or just plain crap.

Useful work creates unusable waste, always and forever. That is the law, the second law. That universal link between energy, work and waste and is what makes the second law such a profound, universal principle.

Use a load of coal to drive a steam-powered locomotive and some of the coal's energy ends up heating the locomotive itself, leading to wear, tear and eventual decay. Physicists call this waste entropy, but what it really means is disorder.

Entropy is a beautiful word and an even more beautiful idea. Systems, like a box of gas, can be in many states, with some more ordered than others. All the atoms in the box could be neatly packed into a corner. That is a high order and low entropy state. The atoms could also be bouncing around everywhere in the box. That's a low order and high entropy state.

What does this have to do with the view of cities from the roof? On the roof you can literally hear the city acting like a giant engine. The sounds of traffic, music, construction and sirens all merge together into a cacophony, into a clamor, into noise. But what is noise in this case? It's an acoustic measure of the second law at work. It's the city's entropy made audible!

Every moment of every day, vast quantities of energy stream into the city through all that plumbing we saw on the street. The city then uses that energy to do work, to organize itself into vast architectures of order. But the second law will not let the story end there. Waste, pollution and disorder must follow.

There is a word that applies to the sound of cities which almost never gets applied to nature: "Din." The din of cities heard on the rooftop as a rising wall of noise is a testament to the true nature of cities as engines of organization and dynamos of disorder.

The first time I became aware of this din of acoustic entropy, I was sitting across from Manhattan on the cliffs of Weehawken, N.J. It was night and the great city was blazing from horizon to horizon. Its low rumble of noise flowed like a breeze blown at me from a mile away across the dark river. There it was, the second law made real in sound and light. The great might of that city ? its vast converging streams of energy, creating a singular nexus of activity ? was no more stunning than the visceral realization that it was also radiating disorder like a mad star.

The second law is a thing of great beauty, because it is just as true for a box of atoms as it is for a star, or a single cell or a great city. The dynamic balance of energy and entropy is a universal law of systems in whatever form they take.

But it has its darker side, too. The second law is a kind of warning to cities and civilization. No matter how clever we are, there will always be disorder, waste and pollution following in the wake of our work organizing societies into cities. There is another way of putting the second law that states the entropy of the universe always increases. So the work we do to create and maintain cities means we are also raising the level of disorder, waste and pollution for the planet as a whole.

The second law tells us that doing work always leads to unintended consequences. That is what we have seen happen with our relentless city building. What else is global warming but the unintended consequence of burning fossil fuels to power the highly organized culture we have created?

We live at a moment when cities are poised to become the dominant mode of human habitation on the planet. But we don't yet know if such a mode can be made sustainable for more than a century or two. Coming to grips with that question can only mean coming to understand the physics of cities ? the physics of thermodynamics and its ever-present second law.

You can keep up with more of what Adam Frank is thinking on Facebook and on Twitter @AdamFrank4. His latest book is About Time: Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang.


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Factbox: Stark differences in Ryan, Romney, Obama tax plans

(Reuters) - Taxes are moving toward center stage in the run-up to the November 6 U.S. elections and Republican Representative Paul Ryan, tapped to be Mitt Romney's running mate in his challenge to President Barack Obama for the White House, is focusing the conversation.

As chairman of the House of Representatives Budget Committee and an intellectual leader of conservative House Republicans, Ryan's tax policy record is long, more specific in some ways than Romney's, and sharply at odds with Obama's.

None of the candidates, including Ryan, has been very specific on the hardest tax policy question - what to do about tax breaks that benefit millions of Americans in all income brackets, such as the mortgage interest and charitable giving deductions, and the exclusion for employer-provided healthcare.

Here is a look at proposals and comments Ryan has made, as well as Romney and Obama.

Representative Paul Ryan

- Personal income taxes: Ryan's fiscal 2013 budget was approved by the Republican-controlled House in March. It went nowhere in the Senate.

The plan called for two individual income tax brackets: 10 percent for individuals making up to $50,000 a year; 25 percent for individuals making more than $50,000. There are presently six tax brackets, starting at 10 percent and rising in increments to the top rate of 35 percent.

On Tuesday, Ryan said Congress needs to make the tough decisions about tax deductions, credits and exclusions that should be eliminated to raise additional revenue that would be needed to balance out revenue lost from lowering tax rates.

Ryan told Fox News that he and Romney want "to clear up the tax loopholes, get rid of special interest loopholes to lower tax rates for everybody." But he said he did not expect to present a plan soon on which tax breaks should be killed.

He said, "That is something that we think we should do in the light of day through Congress."

- Investment income: Ryan's budget would eliminate taxes on capital gains and dividends.

- Alternative minimum tax: His budget would repeal the alternative minimum tax, enacted so the rich pay some minimum taxes.

- Estate tax: It would eliminate the estate tax.

- Corporate taxes: It would cut the top corporate tax rate to 25 percent from 35 percent. It also calls for a "territorial system" that would largely end U.S. taxation of profits made abroad by U.S. corporations.

Governor Mitt Romney

- Personal income taxes: Romney has called for cutting all tax rates by 20 percent. That would reduce the top rate to 28 percent from 35 percent.

However, in an August 15 interview with Fortune magazine, Romney also said: "We are not going to reduce the share of taxes paid by high-income individuals."

Like Ryan, Romney has not been specific about which tax breaks he favors ending. He told Fortune that high-income individuals would lose tax breaks, but middle income taxpayers would not.

- Investment income: Romney would eliminate taxes on capital gains and dividends for individuals making less than $200,000. These taxes would remain at 15 percent for individuals above the $200,000 threshold.

He wants to eliminate the 3.8-percent investment income surtax for high-income earners that is part of the Obama's healthcare overhaul, as well as end the law itself.

- Alternative minimum tax: Romney would repeal the alternative minimum tax entirely.

- Estate tax: Romney would repeal the estate tax.

- Corporate tax rates: Romney favors cutting the top corporate tax rate to 25 percent from 35 percent, as well as a territorial system for U.S. corporate profits earned overseas.

President Barack Obama

- Personal income taxes: Obama would keep tax rates the same for families making less than $250,000 annually. For families earning more than that, he would raise the top two tax brackets to 36 percent and 39.6 percent. The highest tax rates have been 33 percent and 35 percent for the last 11 years.

Obama in February offered a long list of corporate tax breaks he wants to end, ranging from accelerated depreciation and inventory accounting to interest on overseas profits and various tax provisions benefiting oil and gas companies.

Like Romney and Ryan, however, Obama has not presented clear plans for dealing with the much larger, middle-class tax breaks.

- Investment income: Obama wants to raise the tax rate on dividends to match the ordinary income tax rate for the two highest income brackets. He would boost capital gains taxes from 15 percent to 20 percent for that group.

Private equity and other financiers would see a portion of their compensation, known as "carried interest," taxed as ordinary income, a change from the 15 percent rate they pay now.

- Alternative minimum tax: Obama has endorsed the "Buffett rule," named for billionaire investor Warren Buffett. It would require households making more than $1 million a year to pay at least 30 percent of their income in taxes.

- Estate tax: Obama backs restoring the 45 percent estate tax level after a $3.5 million exemption imposed on assets passed to heirs. The current estate tax level is a 35 percent tax after the first $5 million.

- Corporate tax rates: The president would lower the top corporate rate to 28 percent from 35 percent. A corporation's foreign profits would be subject to an unspecified minimum tax rate. Businesses would get a 20-percent income tax credit to move operations into the United States while tax deductions for shifting operations abroad would be dropped.

(This version of the story corrects Obama's dividend income tax proposal)

(Reporting by Patrick Temple-West; Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh and Vicki Allen)


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

11-mile stretch of Mississippi River closed

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) ? Nearly 100 boats and barges were waiting for passage Monday along an 11-mile stretch of the Mississippi River that has been closed due to low water levels, the U.S. Coast Guard said.

New Orleans-based Coast Guard spokesman Ryan Tippets said the stretch of river near Greenville, Miss., has been closed intermittently since Aug. 11, when a vessel ran aground.

Tippets said the area is currently being surveyed for dredging and a Coast Guard boat is replacing eight navigation markers. He says 40 northbound vessels and 57 southbound vessels were stranded and waiting for passage Monday afternoon.

Tippets said it is not immediately clear when the river will re-open. A stretch of river near Greenville was also closed in 1988 due to low water levels caused by severe drought. The river hit a record low on the Memphis gauge that year.

The Mississippi River from Illinois to Louisiana has seen water levels plummet due to drought conditions in the past three months. Near Memphis, the river level was more than 12 feet lower than normal for this time of year.

Maintaining the navigation channel is essential to keeping vessels from colliding or running aground. Thousands of tons of material are shipped on the river each day.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is using dredges to dig out sand and ensure the navigation channel is deep enough for barges loaded with coal, steel, agricultural products and other goods. The corps is required to provide a minimum navigation channel that is 9 feet deep and 300 feet wide on the lower Mississippi River.

Shippers who move material up and down the river on a daily basis have complained that the shallow river is forcing them to lighten the loads on their barges to avoid hitting bottom. Lighter loads mean less revenue for the shippers, who still have to deal with costs such as labor and fuel.

Also, low water at docks and terminals makes it more difficult to load or unload material, as ships have trouble getting close enough to docks.

Just north of downtown Memphis on Friday, the dredge Hurley was cutting a 2,000-foot swath of river bottom to ensure that the channel is safe for vessels. The dredge is referred to as a dustpan, which means it uses a vacuum-like suction to suck up sand from the river bottom, said its captain, Frank Segree.

The Hurley can dredge to a depth of 75 feet and can remove up to 5,000 cubic yards of sediment per hour. That's enough to fill about 68 backyard swimming pools in one hour.

After the sand is removed, it is then pushed through a 1,200 foot pipeline that deposits it on the banks of the river. For safety's sake, the dredge tries to make the channel deeper than the required 9-foot mark whenever possible, Segree said.

The 350-foot long dredge is powered by three 16-cylinder engines that generate 10,000 horsepower combined, yet the vessel was moving just .12 miles per hour as it slowly removed the sand from the channel.

Before dredging begins, a survey crew checks the river bottom to see where the more shallow banks and shoals are located. After digging in one location, the survey crew and the dredge move on to another trouble spot.

"We're hitting the high spots, then getting out of the way," Segree said, adding that this has been his busiest year for dredging in the 20 years he has been with the Corps.

The river level in Memphis was minus-8.5 feet on Friday, according to the Corps of Engineers. The "minus" reading does not mean the river is dried up ? it's just a measurement based on how the Memphis river gauge is designed. Essentially, the reading means the river level is far below normal.

The record for the lowest measured water level for the Mississippi River near Memphis is minus-10.7 feet, in 1988. The Corps has said the river is not expected to reach record lows.

Segree said four dredges are currently working from St. Louis to Vicksburg, Miss., performing a job that is essential to U.S. industry but is hardly noticed by the general public.

"If we lose the river system it's just like losing the interstate highway system," Segree said. "Commerce is a vital part of our nation. This is a main artery for commerce."


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